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March 8th | International Women’s Day 2022

March 8th | International Women’s Day 2022
Despite it being 2022, the need to spread the message of International Women’s Day is still very much a present issue. From scary news reports of endless female victims, posters about drink spiking awareness, a wage gap between genders and other modern and old fashion prejudice.
We can, however, come together to celebrate women’s day and gender equality. Join us on March 8th to spread the word.
Women take a big step in sport
After a disappointing time for GB at the Beijing Winter Olympics, it was the Women’s Curling Team to save the day with their gold medals, a moment in history for women in sport. Inspiring young females across the world, moments like this help improve the 60% of girls who aren’t meeting the recommended exercise guidelines.[1]
Across the pond, US women’s soccer team reach a $24m settlement in a battle for equal pay just recently this year. US Soccer also agreeing to establish a fund of $2m to benefit the players in their post-sporting careers.[2] However, in the UK it was reported that 88% of players. In the Women’s Super League in England earn less than £18,000, 0.7% less than the average man in the Premier League now. Comes to £2.6 million.[3]
Women’s health in 2022
Thankfully, 2022 is the year of taking our health seriously; physically, mentally and spiritually. With the previous couple of years forcing us into a state of self-reflection, wellness is a crucial part of our priority list.
Burnout is all too real, so making sure we put what we want first rather than feeling we are obliged to push ourselves to a state of fatigue. Healthy living starts with addressing the niggling thoughts, doubts and questions in our heads – attending appointments, booking in sessions and trying new things.
Smear tests, mammograms and at-home checks
As a woman, it can feel intimidating receiving that letter in the post for our smear tests. But they’re important. 72% of women aged 25 to 64 have had a smear test within the period recommended for their age. With 220,000 British women being diagnosed with cervical abnormalities each year.[4]
Cervical and breast cancer screening is hugely important. With thousands signing petitions to lower the age for smear test appointments or screenings for breast cancer, it’s crucial not to miss an appointment. You can do regular at home checks too, looking for the following:
  • Swelling in all or part of the breast

  • Irritation or dimpling on the skin

  • Pain in the breast or nipple

  • Nipple turning inwards

  • Redness or scaliness

 Please ring your GP if you notice any of the above and search ‘Mammograms near me’.
Improving female wellbeing
Well-being can benefit from reducing the caffeine, alcohol and tobacco we put into our bodies. Replace with small but effective steps for a big impact, such as sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, enjoying occasional treats, staying active and drinking plenty of water.
Not only this, but weaving supplements into your daily routine for an extra spring in your wellness step can support your body with the nutrients it needs.
Cheers to the female business owners, big or small!
If 2021 taught us anything, it’s to take a leap of faith when doing what we love. Female business owners are a crucial part of the economy. 32.37% of UK businesses are currently owned by women, which from just four years ago was at 17%.[5]
Female-led business, All Bright, is an online community and membership for women in business or are looking for professional success. Leading networking events, pioneering an inclusive app and connecting smart-minded women through digital and physical spaces.
Opportunities can continue to appear if you pour yourself into the All Bright sisterhood and download the app or attend networking events.
To launch companies like All Bright, Natwest are helping to financially support women taking their big risk in business. The well-known bank launched The Rose Review in March 2019 by their CEO, Alison Rose. The Rose Review sets out to identify the disparity between male and female entrepreneurs and the barriers women face.[6]
While complete equality is still a long way off, we can celebrate International Women’s Day while spreading the message and fight for women’s rights.
Author: Ellie Botti
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